
EFT Tapping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

EFT tapping is simple and easy to learn, but did you know that it's still possible to make mistakes? Here are some of the common mistakes people make when tapping:

1. Not Tapping Often Enough 
Tapping should be done on a daily basis.  Experts recommend at least 5 minutes of tapping three or more times each day. At the very least, do some tapping in the morning before getting out of bed, and again at night before falling asleep. A few issues can be cleared up with a minute of tapping, but the majority will require more time and attention. More frequent tapping can also clear bigger problems more quickly.

2. Not Tapping Long Enough 
Many people stop too soon during a tapping session. Too often, beginners tap for a few rounds and give up when they feel they're not getting the results they were hoping for. Tapping should take 10-30 minutes, or even longer. Devoting enough time to tapping will make a lot of difference. Some people will also stop when they begin to feel better. Don't settle for just a bit of relief; continue tapping until the energy starts flowing and you feel really good.

3. Not Being Specific Enough
Global or general statements can help get you started in the right direction while tapping, but after that you have to be more specific. You can setup with a statement like “Even though I feel anxious right now, I deeply and completely accept myself.” After doing a couple of rounds of the general statement, you can go down to specifics such as “Even though I feel anxious about my upcoming job interview, I deeply and completely accept myself.” You'll get better results when you're focused on a specific issue.

4. Wanting To Do The Tapping Perfectly 
Right Away Some people want to be “perfect” and may put off tapping until they feel they are able to do it correctly. As a result they only try the technique a few times, or not at all. Getting started on tapping is more important than being perfect. You can still get good results even if you think your technique is less than perfect. Start with the basic tapping points and be sure to tap daily to develop your EFT skills.

 5. Not Tuning Into The Feelings

Don't forget that tapping clears emotional energy from your body. Hence, it's important to tune into your feelings and not merely “think” about them. If your psychological difficulties these days are the result of embarrassing childhood memories, try to recall how you felt at the time. Old feelings of shame, hurt and anger will sometimes resurface when you tap. Try to resurrect these feelings and you will get more out of your tapping sessions.

 6. Expecting All Results From Tapping To Be Permanent 

You can't expect 100% positive results all the time, and this is true not only for EFT but for all healing methods as well. Don't get frustrated or discouraged if an issue or part of it comes back. Some people do get permanent results but in many cases you may have to do more tapping to get rid of the issue completely. If you have a problem that keeps coming back, this could mean that other aspects or a root cause needs to be uncovered and addressed first.

7. Sticking To EFT Basics Only 
In order to master EFT and reap its full benefits, you have to invest time and effort to gain skill and develop your intuition. It's not enough to “go through the motions”. Harness your intuition and use it to seek out the most effective tapping techniques and peel away the emotions and root causes of your problems.

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